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The Seder Plate: A Personal Story
Some look at this as “just another seder plate.” To me, it holds meaning. It tells a story.
Remnant of Zion
Messianic Hanukkah Spotlight: Rachel Kushner, Links to Messiah
If you're looking for a fun, neshma-enriching way to make Hanukkah extra special this way, you've go to meet Rachel Kushner.
Remnant of Zion
Three Bimuelo Recipes to Try
"Eating fried foods is one of the distinct pleasures of Hanukkah, and the tradition behind it is well-known. According to legend, after...
Remnant of Zion
Eight Unique Dreidels You've Never Seen Before
Hanukkah is less than a few days as week, are you ready? Hopefully you've brushed up on dreidel rules. May you walk away with more gelt...
Remnant of Zion
The Days of Awe
We are now on the Days of Awe, the Yamim Noraim. These are the ten days starting with Yom Teruah (The Feast of Trumpets) and finishing on...
Remnant of Zion
Tips for Picking Your First Shofar
Yom Teruah is right around the corner. This year, it begins the evening of September 15, 2023. The Day of Shouting/Blasts (literally...
Remnant of Zion
Yom Teruah Crossword Puzzle
We've created a Yom Teruah crossword puzzle for you! The answers are below and upside down so you don't accidentally see the answers...
Remnant of Zion
Five Tips for Making your Sukkah Even Cozier
There are as many variations of sukkot as there are versions of Adon Olam- probably more- but one thing they should all have in common is...
Life of a Messianic Jew
High Holy Day Recipe Idea: Seasoned Drumsticks and Mediterranean Salad
If you're the one doing the cooking, feast days and the whole high holiday schedule can seem a bit overwhelming. The desire to make...
Life of a Messianic Jew
Day in the Life of a Messianic Jew: Kosher Holiday Tour
It's beginning to look a lot like Rosh Hashanah/Yom Teruah at the market right now. This year Rosh Hashanah begins the evening of Sunday,...
Remnant of Zion
Five Recipes To Try For Sukkot
This year, Sukkot begins on the evening of October 9, 2022 or 15 Tishrei 5783. Are you new to observing the Feast of Tabernacles? Here's...
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