Can a Christian vote for Kamala? Yes. A Christian is well within their legal rights to cast their vote for Kamala Harris this November. We are blessed to live in a country where we have the freedom to choose the people we place in office.
There's another question one may ask themselves and it's: "Should a Christian vote for Kamala."
In videos of people sharing why they are voting for Kamala Harris, they often state that they're doing so because
1) She's a woman and it's "time to have a female president."
2) There are many voting for her because she is either the same race they are or because they feel having a minority as president is better for the country.
3) She will champion abortion rights at the federal level rather than leaving it up to individual states.
Or reason 4): She's not Donald Trump.
The fear surrounding Donald Trump as president is the driving force for many when it comes to voting for Harris.
As Christians, we are called not to think with fear or as the world does, but to submit to a Higher Authority: God.
Have you asked God who to vote for? Have you included Him and His desires and plans into your voting decision?
We are living in times where the lukewarm and on-fire-for God are being separated. They are being sifted like wheat and chaff. It is impossible to stay neutral in this hour.
Look around: Are you standing amongst people of the world? Are you moved by what moves them? Do your opinions match celebrities and others whose values and beliefs do not align with the Word of God?
Being a follower of Christ does not mean to believe He exists. Satan does that. It does not simply mean to believe He died on the cross and rose again. Satan knows that. An essential part of being counted amongst the children of God through faith in Yeshua is declaring Him as Lord over your mouth, not just in word but in deed.
God doesn't seperate what He believes and what He does. Humans do. We think it's ok to say we love God but then not include Him in our day to day decisions. We think we can call ourselves His while loving the world and and aligning ourselves with it.
We cannot.
In this hour, we must choose.
In a decision as big as who will lead the country, you have the freedom to vote for whoever you want. But I encourage you to check in with God. Pray. Ask for discernment. Don't listen to what the TV and Internet tell you. Seek the Lord and His Word on the matter rather than fears or emotions.
Choose to, even in this, serve God. That's the difference between us and the world.
"And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15
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