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Five Tips for Making your Sukkah Even Cozier

Remnant of Zion

There are as many variations of sukkot as there are versions of Adon Olam- probably more- but one thing they should all have in common is comfort.

A sukkah doesn't need to be fancy to be cozy. If you haven't already, read our post about finding the sukkah that fits your budget.

Once your sukkah is up now is the time to decorate it and make it a place you can relax, reflect in gratitude on how HaShem has blessed all of our lives through Yeshua and the ways He takes care of us daily, and you know, be comfortable.

If you're eating, or even sleeping in your sukkah, the last thing you want is to sit on a hard wood or concrete floor in the dark.

And you shall take for yourselves on the first day the [b]fruit of beautiful trees, branches of palm trees, the boughs of leafy trees, and willows of the brook; and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days. -Leviticus 23:40

Here are five tips for taking your sukkah for habitable to making it an extra cozy and comfy space you'll want to spend hours and hours in.

A Mattress, mattress pad, or foam bed roll

If the ground under your sukkah is rocky, sandy, concrete or hardwood, you'll definitely need to soften it so you can recline pesach style after meals. A thin mattress, the type IKEA has in the children's section for around $90 or a mattress pad or foam roll for much cheaper will do just that. Don't be surprised if you find yourself napping or, if it's safe, spending the whole night under the stars.


It's typically a bit chilly during sukkot with fall just coming in. Sweaters are great but nothing beats a throw or blanket to ward off the chill. Spending time in the sukkah talking, singing, reading your Bible or doing a crossword puzzle with a blanket wrapped around you will make sweet memories you won't soon forget.

Tea Lights, lanterns, or stringed lights

LED or battery powered lights make for a next level cozy sukkah. Camping lanterns also work wonderfully. The dim lighting will have you feeling like an ancient Israelite making their way through the desert minus the complaining of course. No, we'd never do that. *cough*

If your sukkah is big enough, candles are great, but battery operated lights in close quarters are always the safe choice, especially if you fall asleep.


Don't be shy, grab a couple throw pillows from the couch and arrange them in your chill spot in your sukkah. You'd be surprised by how they really turn a little hut into a temporary home away from home. You'll be dreaming about getting into your sukkah all day long.


You don't have to spend big bucks on fancy paintings, this is a sukkah not a museum, but a decorations on the walls really turn this observance into a festival. The command is to rejoice, remember? Draw or print and cut out some pomegranates, citron, palm branches, Jewish art or photos, anything that makes you smile when you look at it. You can easily tape or pin the designs all around your sukkah.

Throwing two or three of these elements together will really help you enjoy being in your sukkah. But remember, the most important element, the one that makes this holiday special is HaShem.

Chag Sukkot Sameach!


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