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Remnant of Zion

"I'm Afraid to Stand with Israel."

Encouragement for those who are afraid.

Dear person who is afraid to stand with Israel,

I get it. Israel is not popular. "Zionist" is used as a slur now. Jewish people are being attacked openly in the street from France to Los Angeles and everywhere in between.

There are entire apps dedicated to helping people boycott anything associated with Israel. People have lost friends and made enemies of family for supporting Israel.

It's easier to stay quiet and do nothing. It's much easier to let this all fly over your radar and not make waves. It's simpler to keep your life and relationships intact and let these days fly by without having anyone attack you in the comment's section or maybe even in real life.

We all think if we lived in Bible times we would have been a Rahab or a Gideon. We would have been someone who stood up and fought for Israel. We would have risked something.

Surely, we would have let down the crimson cord. Surely, we would have been like Ruth and turned our back on our pagan country and clung to Naomi saying, "Your people will be my people and your God my God."

Surely, we would have been one of the people who heard Yeshua preaching on the shores and followed Him.

No one thinks they would have been like the rich young ruler who had too much to lose.

But in this time, where good is being called evil and evil being called good, Israel is proving to be the final stance, the place many who are know Yeshua are saying, "This is too much."

If you have said nothing publicly to support Israel, ask yourself why. Are you afraid of your friends and family disagreeing with you? Are you afraid of your employer retaliating?

Fear knows when it is being bowed to. Fear wants your worship. It wants your obedience.

But there is something great on the other side of choosing to make your stance known for the birthplace of our Lord.

God has not abandoned Israel.

"I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin." Romans 11:1

God still has His hand on Israel. The world hates Israel because it is proof that God is real, the Bible, is real, and the One whose name means Salvation is real.

It's not enough to love the Jewish people in theory. Will you love Israel enough to stand with us in hard times?

We ask that you would. We know that deliverance comes only from God. We are not dependent on any human co-signing of Israel's right to exist; this is God's doing alone.

But if you believe in a Jewish Messiah, the Lion of Judah, are you willing to stand up and be counted in this time?

We hope so. May God strengthen you.

-Remnant of Zion



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