If you're looking for a fun, neshma-enriching way to make Hanukkah extra special this way, you've go to meet Rachel Kushner, the messianic maven behind Links to Messiah.
Not only does she hold live Israeli Storytime on the @LinksToMessiah instagram page every day 7pm Israel time/noon EST, she's created a business around teaching children Jewish holidays in a way that honors Yeshua, our Messiah.
Rachel has an amazing story. Here it is in her own words:
"In the late 1930’s my dad and grandparents lived in Nazi-occupied Vienna, Austria.
Through a series of miracles, my dad and grandparents were able to flee from Vienna and arrived in the United States on October 12, 1939. My father, Herb Links, was introduced to Yeshua (Hebrew for “Jesus”) in high school and that transformed his life.
My dad pursued theological studies and pastored churches in St Louis, MO and Philadelphia, PA for almost forty years.
As a child, I grew up with the rich, deep heritage of the Jewish tradition AND with an understanding of how the entire Old Testament points directly to Jesus the Messiah. We celebrated Easter and Passover, Christmas and Hanukkah.
On Friday evenings, we would gather our finest dinnerware and fancy “wine” glasses and traditional challah bread to celebrate Shabbat together as a family. I recall my mother lighting the Sabbath candles and praying in Hebrew. We learned many Hebrew prayers, enjoyed our annual Passover seder meals, gobbled up delicious potato pancakes called latkes at Hanukkah and learned the deep meaning of how Yeshua, Hebrew for Jesus, fulfilled the prophecies foretold in the Old Testament.
It was the best of both the Jewish world and the Christian world.
But I knew that wasn’t the case for everyone. So many parents are unsure of how to teach their kids when it comes to the Old Testament. They don’t have time to research and then teach. Links to Messiah boxes have pre-planned lessons about Jewish festivals and traditions, and how they point to Jesus, so parents can teach and learn alongside their children.
The Links to Messiah boxes contain a guided instruction booklet, games, recipes, and a musical playlist. Parents can easily engage their children because the box is filled with activities that will hold their attention and connect with the material in a meaningful way.
I have fond memories of the Jewish holidays as a young girl. My desire through Links to Messiah boxes is that you and your children will have a richer experience and understanding of the gospel as you learn how the Jewish festivals point us to Jesus."
There are Shabbat boxes, Passover, boxes, and more! The Hanukkah boxes are going out this week! Here's a great video of children enjoying them:
If you'd like to order one, go to: https://linkstomessiah.com/product/hanukkah-2023/