Most Jewish mothers and fathers dream of their children growing up and becoming seamless parts of the community. Continuing the line. Every Jewish child and adult is a victory against the centuries or hatred and murder that has tried to wipe our people out for all time.
Upon hearing that a family member is now messianic, there are many responses from loved one.
One Jewish friend of mine, upon learning that I am messianic and believe Yeshua, simply said, "Oh that's co
ol" and haven't spoken of it again since. We're still friends.
But other friends, and especially family often have much stronger reactions.
My very first rabbi, one I love and respect, expressed his disappointment in me. It was hard falling out of favor with him and knowing he saw me someone turning their back on Judaism.
I cried.
Extended family has expressed disgust. Concern. Confusion.
To a traditionally Jewish person, learning that you are messianic is the same as announcing that you are now a Christian and have renounced Judaism. It's saying, "I don't want us anymore."
Some of them, especially parents, may hear, "I don't want YOU anymore." They feel rejected. Every Shabbat dinner, every bar/bat mitzvah class, everything they ever taught you about Torah, Ha Shoah, the struggles of our can seem as if you're rejecting and turning your back on your history, faith, family, and people.
But I wasn't. You aren't.
I wish I could say I reacted perfectly to every person who misjudged and reacted badly to me being messianic. I was a new believer and had not yet begun to develop any fruits of the Spirit.
I was hurt. They were hurt.
My advice is, as painful as it can be, let people have their emotions without constantly defending yourself. Speak the truth, yes. If they're willing to hear, show them the prophecies.
If you had an encounter with Yeshua or a supernatural experience, tell them if you feel led by HaShem to and are comfortable.
The fear most of us have is that we'll be banished forever and never see our families or friends again. That we'll be on the outside and they'll always hate us.
That might be true for some, but in many cases, all people need is time.
Emotions calm. People come to see that you are not brainwashed and you are still the same person they love (in all of the good ways).
Pray for the person or people things are rocky with. I have seen relationships restored and even family and friends come to believe in Yeshua, too. HaShem sees and hears us.
Yeshua foretold that we would experience hardship when we chose Him. He spoke many times about the rejection we would face, and how he would be a sword that would in some cases divide even families.
I'd be lying I said there had not been a personal and even profession cost to following Him. When I look back on the way I was treated I'm no longer sad or angry. My relationship with Yeshua and HaShem is worth more to me than anything on this planet and the way my life has been changed, the way they have change me from the inside would take a book to describe.
But in the beginning I struggled and even flirted with the idea of melting back into synagogue to escape the trouble of feeling like I was walking a tightrope alone.
There will be times on Jewish holidays and for life cycle events where you feel like a person banished to the outside of the camp of Israel. But you are never outside alone.
Yeshua is with you. HaShem is with you. The Ruach HaKodesh is inside of you.
And there are millions of other believers in Yeshua who know what you are facing.
Remember, Yeshua was rejected by many of His people, too. He is rejected by many still today.
He will knows how it feels and will comfort and sustain you.
Pray, my friend. Pray for your family, friends, and all of Israel. Pray for yourself. Read the Tanakh and New Covenant. Talk to those who have been there. It won't always be like this.
Stay strong. Let HaShem be your resting place, peace, and joy and He will strengthen you and take you places you never thought you could go. Get to know Yeshua. He loves you. Pursue Him alone watch how He plants a garden in your life.
May the One who sees comfort you and keep you under His wing, may He shower you with kindness and hope. In Yeshua's name. Amen
"And lo, I will be with You always, even until the end of the age." - Mattityahu 28:20
"The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." -Habakkuk 3:19
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. Tefillah 23: 1-2
”He was despised and rejected by mankind, a Man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces He was despised, and we held Him in low esteem.” Isaiah 53:3
Reading resource: How Yeshua Overcame Rejection… and You Can, Too: