Remember: It’s Shabbat whether you have a big meal or a plate for one. If you have no reason to make a big meal, you still deserve rest and preparation.
Consider cleaning, cutting and storing some vegetables, fruits, or make a simple no-cook meals if you’re not up to cooking or do not wish to.
Easy simple, no cook Shabbat meal ideas
- deli meats, cheese, olives, vegetables, fruits, with bread, pita or crackers.
- pasta salad
-tuna sandwiches (store tuna separately and assemble when ready to eat)
- chicken or egg salad
- deli sandwiches
Shabbat is still Shabbat no matter how you observe. You are never alone as the Most High is at your table. Shabbat shalom, chaverim. 🕊
Yashua said “And lo I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” -Mattityahu 28:20 (Matthew)